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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Battery life for iOS 5 devices

Today our lifestyle and all activities are maintaining base on technology. It is becoming modern day by day. Most of us are very busy with our daily own scheduled activities. To make easy our daily activities and responsibility, most of the time we take support from various technology.

In this world those who are full depend on technology, most of them are carrying iPhone. Using iPhone there is a common or major problem and that is “Battery Life.” According to battery life with your iOS 5 devices, recently Apple promised iOS update to fix the problem. Here I will show you how to setup battery life for iOS 5 devices.

If you've been suffering battery-life problems with your iOS 5 devices, there are some things you can do to track down and maybe even tackle the source of your iPhone power problems and could be able to fix it.

Battery life setup: At first go to Settings => Location Services => System Services. The result screen will display a series of entries (the number and kind will display on the screen depends on the device you're using). You will see by default, all of them are switched on. But regardless of whether any of these options are buggy or not, I see little use for many of them. Few people advise that Setting Time Zone option can cause problems as the devices constantly review with a server to see it's changes. Unless you're the ultimate jet-setter, you don't need to have this option enabled. If you never keep an eye about what's on sale, then you can switch off Location-Based iAds. When you don't apply Maps to review traffic, you should turn off Traffic. Although if you know north from south, switch off Compass Calibration. You must switch on the Status Bar Icon option so you can see when your device is using some of these services.

However if somehow killing your battery you can switch location services off entirely by going to Settings => Location Services and flicking the Location Services Switch to the Off position. Remember it is an extreme action and one you can likely avoid. If you don’t need broadcasting your location, then switch them off.
Before apply battery life settings, read and understand properly about how to setup battery life for iOS 5 devices.

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