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Friday, December 30, 2011

How to remove virus from computer for free?

Most of the user operate their PC/Laptop randomly. They don’t have enough time to take care of their computer. Many of them often face computer virus problem. It’s a common problem. To solve the problem you need to scan viruses on your PC on a weekly basis. There have many ‘free’ versions of antivirus software available. I am personally using AVG Anti-Virus. You can Download AVG Anti-Virus for remove computer viruses.

Follow the steps below for remove computer viruses free from an infected computer:

Download, install and update Anti-Virus Software.

Disconnect from the Internet.

Open Internet Explorer and clear your cookies and cache.

To delete cookies click Tools => Internet Options => on the General tab choose Delete Cookies. You will be asked Delete all cookies in the Temporary Internet Files folder? Click OK.

To delete the cache click Tools => Internet Options => on the General tab choose Delete Files. Be sure to place a check in the box that says ‘Delete all offline content’. Click OK

Restart the computer in Safe Mode.

More Free Antivirus for downloads: (1) Avast (2) Kaspersky
For users kind information these methods are not guaranteed to remove all viruses. However this article means as a general tutorial and a place to start when attempting to remove computer viruses. In order to remove virus this method is effective for specific virus.

1 Responses to “How to remove virus from computer for free?”

Virtual Assistant said...
January 6, 2012 at 7:35 PM

Is AVG a good antivirus?

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