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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Android Smartphone share over triples iOS in Q3

At present Android Smartphone is a great technological achievement for us. The latest activity is that “Android Smartphone share over triples iOS in Q3.” It is such an unbelievable update. There was ever a period of time which was presented Android's dominance over the Smartphone space, perhaps it was last quarter.

Do you believe that the Android history is true? Let me explain it, while the three-month period has ended on September 30 and 60.5 million Android-based Smartphones shipped worldwide, helping the mobile operating system secure 52.5 percent of the space, research firm Gartner revealed today. After that in just one year, Android has over doubled its market share, which during the third quarter of 2010, stood at 25.3 percent. However, Smartphone shipments just about tripled this year from the 20.5 million that hit store shelves last year.
Android offer an exciting new product on alternative operating systems such as Windows Phone 7 and RIM. According to success of last year, Apple secured 16.6 percent of the Smartphone market in the third quarter with 13.5 million shipments, the company's iOS platform was only able to muster 15 percent market share last quarter on 17.3 million iPhones sold.

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