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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Increase AdSense revenue for blog

If your goal is to earn a lot of money from your blog or website, you have to increase your AdSense Revenue. By increasing your revenue tons of visitors will visit regularly your website and that will increase your ad click. Then your AdSense account will be credited day by day.

By Following These Tips You Can Increase AdSense Revenue: 

Increase Traffic: According to increase AdSense earning, lot of traffic is one of secret way. With a large traffic you can get unlimited clicks on your AdSense ads of your website pages and thus can generate few hundred dollars per day. However if you want increase your earnings from Google AdSense, then you must increase traffic to your website or blog.

Optimize Your Site: Did you optimize your website very well? Did you use the right keywords which match with the contents, then AdSense ad codes implement the right ads and display those ads which are relevant to your content? That’s how ads placed on your site are sure to get a large number of clicks. Remember that you sell CD/DVD on your site and you have used the right keywords as CD and DVD while optimizing your site. When you place Google adwords, ads dealing with butterflies may also appear on your site. People visiting your site are interested in buying CD and DVD. Thus it is unlikely that visitors are going to click the ads dealing with CD/DVD. Remember since your site is not well optimized, you don't get many clicks. You can learn about tips how to optimize your site from the Google AdSense help page. 

Select Particular Keywords: Selecting right keyword is the key to increase AdSense earning. There have certain key words which are high paying and competitive. Those keywords will make a lot of AdSense Revenue, which will make your AdSense account rich. 

Website Theme: Your site need to looking dynamic. So, you have to select a perfect theme which have professional layout. If your site looks dynamic, it will attract more visitors. And then your blogs get lot revenue.
How Sticky Is Your Website: If you can make your website to keep visitors stay on it for a long time there are more chances to get click on it. Make your site informative with unique content and rich, so that more people visit your site and visitors stay longer.

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