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Thursday, December 29, 2011

An easy way to get approved AdSense account

There are large number of people want to earn through Google AdSense because they know what AdSense is, but as yet they don't have an AdSense account. Maybe they never tried applying one yet, or they have rejected the first time, or maybe they have tried a few times and so far it's been without luck. Here I am sharing with you an easy way to get approved AdSense account.

You have to register a free blogspot account at blogger.com. It’s free for all. Blogger.com is powered by Google. Blogger.com is where you can register for a domain name and Blogspot.com is where it is hosted. I am suggesting you to choose a best domain name which is a strong keyword for the topic that you're going to write blog. Choose a favorite topic that is familiar with you, and that interests you.

Let’s make rich your site by blog posting every couple of days. Make them unique and informative. Bonus points if the content is original. You must post a blog on a daily basis. If it is impossible then must post once a week. If your blog content is original then you could start getting few best Search Engine rankings for your pages. And also it could get you a little traffic to your website. Make sure that you have posted 8 blogs, and then apply for an AdSense account. 
Remember you have to post a couple more entries while you're awaiting approval.
Once you got your approval, then you are able to add the AdSense code to your blogspot blog as well as your other sites. Now you are able to start your online earning through Google AdSense.

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